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Foundation for the Public's Health

Vital Healthcare Philanthropy Branding & Website Design

Representing 2,800+ local, public health departments and tribal health organizations, The National Association of County & City Health Officials is a leader, partner, catalyst, and voice for public health in America. After developing plans for a new start-up fundraising and philanthropic initiative to mobilize people, organizations, and resources to build the capacity of local health departments, NACCHO asked Constructive to build the brand. We partnered with NACCHO to quickly launch this innovative initiative in time for their national conference and strengthen their ability to deliver excellent health service to the American people.

Brand Research & Workshops

We need to launch by when?!

When NACCHO engaged us, their new foundation existed only as an idea and a strategic planning document. The organization’s goal was to leverage their annual conference to announce the foundation’s launch to an audience of over 2,800 public health departments, government agencies, and NGOs. This left us with 4.5 months to create the foundation’s brand and website. We quickly got to work on research, interviews, and workshops to learn about NACCHO’s mission, the state of the public health sector, and the needs the foundation would fill for its different constituencies.

Brand Strategy

What's the case for invesment?

With research and insights in hand, we developed a brand strategy/case for investment that articulates FPH’s mission, the urgency of the situation, and their plan to build a stronger public health system that meets the needs of communities across America. Leveraging NAACHO’s role as the leading national voice for the public health sector, the strategy bolsters the case for investment by presenting the Foundation as the organization able to work most effectively at the local and federal level to achieve impact.


How can we encapsulate a dynamic new model for change?

For their foundation’s new visual identity, NACCHO wanted their brand to convey an organization as focused on the public health sector as it was their collaborative model to develop joint community-led initiatives. After exploring a range of concepts, we created a vibrant logo that presents a dynamic organization in motion—one that that brings together diverse partners and communities to address public health and social justice issues. A supporting system of type and color build on the logo provide the visual foundation for communications design.

Digital Strategy & Design

It's time to introduce audiences to the organization and its mission.

As a brand new organization with big plans but little in the way of results, digital strategy and design for Foundation for the Public Health were very much a blank slate. Their website needed to serve a very focused purpose: introduce the organization, tell its story, and drive audience engagement. Building off our brand development work, we created a focused website that succinctly makes the case for FPH’s work, articulates its theory of change and areas of expertise, and drives engagement with potential strategic partners and donors alike.

The Foundation for the Public’s Health’s website effectively articulates a theory of change to a complex systemic issue, inviting strategic partners and individual supporters to help make the change.

Fundraising Campaign

What are our opportunities to engage the sector for support?

To launch Foundation for the Public’s Health with momentum, it was essential to engage their most important constituency—the tens of thousands of public health workers across America and its strategic partners in the public health sector. It was also essential to begin fundraising by engaging supporters within and outside the sector. To build excitement in the public health professional community and enlist their support, we created a direct mail campaign to coincide with FPH’s website announcement; then followed up with a broader fundraising appeal online using campaign landing pages and consistent calls-to-action.

Our Client's Experience

“Working with Constructive was the best strategic decision we could have made. They don’t just go through the steps—they’re a true partner. They push you. They give—and take—constructive criticism. And they share your passion. Constructive’s team never says “your” project. For them, it’s “our” project—and it shows in the quality of their work.”

Paul Yeghiayan, President & CEO, Foundation for the Public's Health
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