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TB Drug Atlas

Tracking Interventions In a Global Healthcare Data Visualization Website

Unknown to many, Tuberculosis is the leading infectious killer of adults worldwide because only a fraction of the patients suffering from it has access to the drugs they need. To better understand and address this failure, Advance Access & Delivery, Eli Lily and the Global Fund, Duke, and Harvard came together to map major TB initiatives around the world. They asked Constructive to help them share their learnings with healthcare experts and policymakers by creating a website and interactive data tool that highlights supply and access challenges in global responses to TB.

Research & Design Direction

How can we help users quickly identify each of the indicators?

The TB Atlas study collected data on seven indicators to better assess the scope of the challenge and how it was being addressed: delivery challenges, affordability, regulatory complexity, regimen complexity, procurement, forecasting, and market incentives. To provide a visual cue for audiences that makes these concepts more accessible and that strengthens usability, we built a design system with illustrated icons and a color identifier that visualizes each indicator and makes it easy to quickly them.

Information Architecture

How can we organize volumes of research clearly and accessibly?

A priority for The TB Drug Access Atlas was to explain the nature of the issue and global response as context for the study’s research. Pages are then structured to unite global data and expository content, facilitating exploration of data and analysis by geography, indicator, and project. The Atlas also provides up-to-date information on initiatives and partners, with a filterable partner database that makes it easy to see what is being done where across the globe. The result is a website that introduces new audiences to the issues and that gives global policy-makers and healthcare experts the detailed information they need.

Website Design

Let's make sure insights are accessible on the frontlines.

The TB Drug Access Atlas gives audiences context to understand the nature of the challenge, the responses to address them, and the framework of activities created for measuring global interventions. Site visitors are encouraged to explore the activities framework, active and planned projects, and available analysis. Designed on a lean, responsive framework, the TB Atlas is built for speed, ensuring that its information and insights are available on-the-go for professionals working in the field.

Data Visualization

How can we make survey data engaging to explore?

The centerpiece of the TB Drug Access Atlas and its most valuable feature is the Explorer, an interactive map that tracks the survey’s research and visualizes the global state of TB interventions for all seven indicator areas. To understand the scope of the challenge and the response, audiences can explore historic and projected trends by country or indicator area to quickly pinpoint the exact data they need. And on the backend, the Atlas is built using D3 for interactive mapping on top of a WordPress CMS that makes site updates easy. 

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