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January 25, 2014

National Center for Access to Justice’s Justice Index Website Launched

Constructive is proud to announce the launch of the National Center for Access to Justice’s Justice Index. The Justice Index is an online resource in which data is presented that reveals the performance of state-based justice systems in assuring access to justice. Its overarching purpose is to increase access to justice in our society, especially for people who are vulnerable: it specifically highlights best practices so that advocates can help to promote the replication of these practices.

The National Center for Access to Justice at Cardozo Law School is an academically affiliated non-partisan law and policy organization dedicated exclusively to increasing access to our nation’s civil and criminal justice systems. In carrying out its reform initiatives, NCAJ works closely with the bar, the judiciary, law schools, the legal services community, and many other stakeholders including social services agencies and client groups. NCAJ’s tools include litigation, reports, public education and public advocacy, conferences, legislative drafting, and the latest data visualization tools. NCAJ makes its home at Cardozo Law where it teaches the Access to Justice Clinic.

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